Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 6 Vocabulary Tournament Results

Winner: M.G. Duke

Winner M.G. Duke with host Jen and runner-up Johnny Lu

A full complement of 20 competitors vied for the vocabulary championship this month. In round one, as always, contestants were given three difficult words and asked to make up a sentence including all three. In round two, we played "Synonym Antonym True False" -- for example, trying answering Synonym Antonym True, or False to each of the following questions, as fast as possible (answers below):

realistically contains two a’s
a jodhpur is a weapon
erroneous infallible
the plural of synopsis is synopsis
perfidious staunch
an emollient is a salve
a quindecasyllabic word has 14 syllables

Finally, in round three, we tried a crossword-style challenge, one example of which came out looking like this:

M.G. Duke was far and away the winner, but many grandiloquent individuals had copious fun perambulating the Market, cerebrally jousting, and engaging in affable badinage.

Click here for more photos.

Answers: TRUE, FALSE (they're pants), ANTONYMS, FALSE, ANTONYMS, TRUE, FALSE (it has 15)

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