Monday, May 25, 2009

May 20 Warmup Quiz Answers



Nobel and Pulitzer Winners

Who won 2008’s Nobel Peace Prize? MARTTI AHTISAARI (no one knew this!)

What New York Times writer won 2008’s Nobel Prize in Economics? PAUL KRUGMAN (some people knew this)

The 2008 Nobel Prizes in “Physiology or Medicine” went to the discoverers of what two viruses? HIV & HPV

Who won the 2009 Pulitzer in music? STEVE REICH


In poetry? W.S. MERWIN

Please list all the UK Prime Minsters serving after Churchill:

(The list of all UK Prime Ministers may be found here. One note: Churchill served three terms, with one Clement Attlee between the second and third terms; Attlee counts. Also, incidentally, as one point was awarded per prime minister listed, the winner of the quiz was pretty much the person who knew the most prime ministers -- good work, Norm!)


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