Tuesday, May 5, 2009

April 29 Team Trivia

Winners: O'Trivia Newton John and The Date Rappers

Here are some sample categories and questions from last week's trivia game:

American Cities and States

  • The “Old North State” is actually in the South. What is it?
  • If you are visiting a downtown area called The Loop, what metropolis are you in?
  • What southern state was known as Land of the 4 C’s, after the Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, and Choctaw tribes?
Recession Round
  • What is the name of the insurance-like contracts that promise to cover losses on certain securities in the event of a default and in which the buyer makes periodic payments to the seller, in return receiving a payoff if an underlying financial instrument defaults?
  • Name the economist whose views, espoused in General Theory of Employment Interest and Money, encouraged deficit spending as a cure for the Depression of the 1930s.
  • Name the 1977 Broadway musical containing the song "We'd like to Thank You, Herbert Hoover"
Mathematical Formulas
  • In Eintein’s e=mc2, what does c stand for?
  • What does the m stand for?
  • The equation a2 + b2 = c2 was named after what Greek mathematician and mystic? 
Those questions aren't so hard, but here's where things get confusing.

The Date Rappers were awarded first place, and we took their picture and we think they're swell. But then, after many people had left, O'Trivia Newton John (best team name EVER!) approached us, suspicious that they hadn't even been named in the top 5 teams when we announced Honorable Mentions. Turns out the team grading their answer sheet CAN'T ADD. We added. O'Trivia Newton John won by half a point. O'Trivia Newton John was offered a cash prize, but these guys didn't even want it -- they just wanted the recognition. Classy! The Date Rappers and O'Trivia Newton John are both seriously smart.  Check 'em out here:

O'Trivia Newton John

The Date Rappers

My co-host Michael and I will check everyone's math more rigorously in the future.

Click here for more photos.

(Answers: North Carolina; Chicago; Alabama; credit default swap; Keynes; Annie; the speed of light; mass; Pythagoras).

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